Peace that Passes Understanding

Peace that Passes Understanding

winding road

I have incurred a few physical hardships along the way. We all do…it is part of living to experience pain in some form or another. But, God has blessed me and allowed me to have the ministrations of doctors and naturopaths to keep me in good enough health to do most of what I want to do. For that I am so grateful. I am now going through another trial in a physical way. It has the potential to not have the best outcome, but I choose to not focus on that. God loves me and is faithful to me because I am one of His own. His purpose for me is to make me more Christ-like and I can choose to submit to that or go kicking and screaming in protest and ask “why me”. But in my own power I am unable to choose a Godly response -I am only able to walk in that because I am willing to yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my heart and mind. As a result of that I am filled with a peace that passes my understanding. God only allows into my life what is within His will to use for His purposes and may I bring glory to Him! And so…I wait for the doctor’s call.

14 thoughts on “Peace that Passes Understanding

  1. My dear Ann – I too have walked through that Valley and have experienced that Peace that passeth Understanding. I pray right now for you, that our Precious Saviour will touch you with a touch from On High and that you may feel His very Presence deep within you and when you receive that call, that His arms may be tightly around you. It is so hard to walk this walk but we do not have an umbrella over our heads because we are christians, we walk here and we face life as it comes our way BUT we have Jesus to hold onto and our Faith to keep us walking close to Him.

    Please will you let us know the outcome so we can continue to pray for you. Nothing is impossible with our Wonderful and Precious Saviour.

    Lynette Matthews – Bathurst, South Africa


  2. Ann…I am sorry to hear of your trial. You are very brave to share something so personal with an unknown outcome. Truly the Lord is giving you grace. And it will bring glory to God! My sister has and it’s amazing to see.
    I think you would enjoy a blog if I can figure how to give you a link. She’s a doctor and health issues made her have to retire at age 50. She has myasthenia gravis. Her name is Vicki Henderson. I will be praying. I am in Colorado now visiting Jessica and meeting new grandson. Love you, dear friend.


  3. Dear Ann
    I am sorry to hear of your trial but what a joy to know you are not bearing this alone. May our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus be with you every step of the way whatever it may be. We have a hymn that says “Our times are in Thy hand; Father, we wish them there; Our life, our souls, our all we leave Entirely to Thy care. Our times are in Thy hand; Whatever they may be, Pleasing or painful, dark or bright, As best may seem to Thee. Our times are in Thy hand; Why should we doubt or fear? Our Father’s hand will never cause, His child a needless tear. May you have a sense of His unfailing love and know that many, including me, are praying for you.


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